OpenFV is the first comprehensive open source library focusing at 3D Particle Image/Tracking Velocimetry (PIV/PTV). As of now, OpenFV primarily supports:
  • Synthetic Aperture (SA) Reconstruction (HF Method Driven -> Fast!)
  • Relaxation based 3D Particle Tracking
  • Synthetic Particle and Velocity Field Simulation (coming very soon)
  • Tomographic Reconstruction (coming soon)
  • 3D PIV with Window Deformation Support (coming soon)
  • Ability to run OpenFV in docker conatiners on cloud instances!
All the features mentioned above are GPU and CPU parallelized to varying degrees. OpenFV has been primarily developed by: Other contributors: If you use OpenFV for a research project, we would greatly appreciate if you could acknowledge us by citing us in your paper. For example, you can cite us by adding the following text to your LaTeX document:
The Open Source Flow Visualization (OpenFV, library
\cite{bajpayee2017, clark2012measurement} was used to conduct
the simulations, reconstructions and velocimetry for this study.
and the following in your .bib file:
  author={Bajpayee, Abhishek and Techet, Alexandra H.},
  title={Fast volume reconstruction for 3D PIV},
  journal={Experiments in Fluids},
  title={Measurement of three-dimensional coherent fluid structure in high Reynolds
  number turbulent boundary layers},
  author={Clark, Thomas Henry},
  school={University of Cambridge}


If you have any questions or feedback, email me at ab9 [at]